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Webisode: New Paid Leave Policies for COVID-19: Clarity for Employers

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March 25, 2020

The federal and state governments have passed sweeping paid leave policies for workers impacted by COVID-19, aka the corona virus.  In response, the Partnership organized a webisode for local employers on 3/25/20 to provide clarity around these new mandates and to help them prepare to take the necessary steps to protect themselves and their employees.  Some questions that were answered included:

  • How do the federal and state policies work together?
  • Which policies to prioritize and follow first?
  • Do these policies override employer’s existing paid leave policies?
  • How do these policies impact an unemployment claim?

Watch the Presentation:

As the regional chamber of commerce, the Buffalo Niagara Partnership is committed to providing employers with the latest information and resources to help deal with COVID-19 and its impact on business, our community, state and nation.

We will continue to follow up as more information becomes available. Given the fluidity of this situation, please feel free to reach out to us with questions at and even more importantly, if you are willing to share best practices.


Thank You Again to Our Members for Their Expertise:


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