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5/20 Webisode: NYS Reopening Guidelines: HR & Legal Implications

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May 20, 2020

The Partnership hosted a webisode to review reopening guidelines and the safety business plan template.

NYS released industry-specific guidelines for the reopening of businesses, which include a Business Safety Plan Template. Having a clear and available safety plan will be a critical part of the reopening process for businesses.

We heard from experts from Hurwitz & Fine and Employer Services Corporation as they dove deep into specific HR and Legal issues that businesses need to consider while developing a reopening plan or revising one already in place.

Our experts addressed common issues and concerns, specific to HR and Legal, that businesses have raised while creating a safety plan. This information is essential for any business currently developing a reopening plan or any essential business that has been operating and needs to double-check measures against the new guidelines.

Watch the Presentation Below

You can download and access the forms discussed in the webisode below:


Additionally, you can find Hurwitz & Fine’s resource page containing much of the guidance referenced during the event HERE.


The Buffalo Niagara Partnership is committed to providing employers with the latest information and resources to help you deal with COVID-19 and its impact on our community, state, and nation. Visit our Events Page and Resource Page, as they are updated regularly to provide you with the most current information.

Do you have specific questions related to running your business or your business unit? Visit the BNP Business Link, a question and answer forum for, and by, the Buffalo Niagara business community. Submit your questions and get expert answers on just about any topic from legal, IT, HR, NYS regulations, sales, marketing, communications, and more. It is quick, confidential, powerful, and convenient. The BNP Business Link can help you today.

Thank you to our members for their expertise:





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