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5.19.21 COVID-19 Bulletin: NYS Releases Updated Mask Guidance for Employers

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May 19, 2021


As we told you earlier this week, beginning today, New York State adopted CDC public health guidance for fully vaccinated New Yorkers.  The new guidance gives employers the choice of adopting the new CDC guidance or maintaining mask/face covering and social distancing policies for both employees and customers.  

Employers can choose between the following: 

  • Businesses are authorized to require masks and six feet of social distancing for employees and/or patrons within their establishments. 


  • Adhere to CDC guidance, which advises that fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks or be socially distanced, but unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear masks and be socially distanced in most settings. 

NYS has released a document outlining this choice.  It includes additional information for employers/businesses operating below or above the state’s social gathering limit.  Certain businesses – stadiums, concert venues, convention halls, etc. – have been allowed to operate in excess of the 250 indoors and 500 outdoors limit. 



The Buffalo Niagara Partnership is committed to providing employers with the latest information and resources to help you deal with COVID-19 and its impact on our community, state and nation. Visit our Events and Resource pages as they are updated regularly to provide you with the most current information.

Do you have specific questions related to running your business or your business unit? Visit the BNP Business Link, a question and answer forum for, and by, the Buffalo Niagara business community.  Submit your questions and get expert answers on just about any topic from legal, IT, HR, NYS regulations, sales, marketing, communications and more.  It is quick, confidential, powerful and convenient.


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