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Staff Spotlight: Meet Karen Brown

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September 15, 2021

Karen Brown is our Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and our latest staff spotlight!    

Her role at the Partnership is to be a champion for developing and implementing programs/initiatives that promote a thriving, diverse, informed, and equitable region.  

Learn a little bit more about Karen in this brief Q&A. 

Q: What is your background in/what type of work were you in before the Partnership?

Human Resources, Training, and Development.  All my roles have had a relationship-building element to them. Being able to connect to people and hear different views and learn from them equips me well for this type of work. 

Q: Tell us a little-known fact about yourself.

I have seen the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans on the same day. 

Q: What do you like to do for fun?

Family time and root for the Bills.  

Q: Best Buffalo Hidden Gem.

Broderick Island  

Q: What is your favorite part about living in Buffalo?

The architecture and proximity to the lake

Q: What do you like best about working from home?

Short commute  

Q: Since you are no longer commuting to work, how do you fill your drive time?

Sleep a little later 

Connect with Karen.

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