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Introducing Gwendolyn Bork, finalist for the 2023 ATHENA Leadership Award

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March 1, 2023

For more than 30 years, the Buffalo Niagara Partnership has been honored to produce the ATHENA Awards® to support, develop, and honor women leaders in Western New York.

The BNP is pleased to introduce you to the finalists who have been selected for the 2023 ATHENA honors. This includes the ATHENA Leadership Award®, the ATHENA Young Professional Leadership Award®, and the ATHENA Organizational Award®, which recognizes one for-profit organization and one non-profit organization that inspire women in WNY.

We're highlighting each finalist in the weeks ahead, leading up to the Awards Luncheon. Come back often to read the profiles and you’ll learn what it means to be an ATHENA!

Celebrate all of our finalists and see the recipients announced LIVE on March 29, 2023 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center.

The Buffalo Niagara Partnership is pleased to introduce you to 1 of 10 finalists in the ATHENA Leadership Award® category 

Meet ATHENA Leadership Award® Finalist: Gwendolyn Bork

Gwendolyn Bork is an Independent Financial Advisor with the Legend Group in Getzville, New York. She serves as an advisor to high-net-worth philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and community leaders throughout the region. She also works as a consultant and impact strategist for business owners and nonprofit groups seeking to create a legacy in the community. 

Gwendolyn is the founder and president of FOCUS (For Our Community Unity & Support), a nonprofit committed to uniting sectors such as business, government, and schools to promote drug prevention education, awareness, and drug-free events for youth within the community. She is the published author of “Walking the Fine Line”, a book about discovering purpose after a near-death experience. 

In addition to FOCUS, Gwedolyn volunteers as president of the WNY Regional NAF Advisory Board representing thirteen school districts currently operating a NAF Academy – a high school educational program dedicated to providing students with the skills and abilities to be college and career ready.

We asked Gwendolyn a series of questions to get to know her better.

First Job  

Gwendolyn’s first job was as hostess at The Colden Mill restaurant in Colden NY at the age of 14. 

Career Highlights 

In 2022, Gwendolyn was honored by NYS Senator Gallivan in receiving the "Women of Distinction" Award for her work in the community. Her name is to be written into legislation along with other historic changemakers, which she says has changed her life. 

Best Piece of Advice Given Regarding Her Career 

Don't give up! The day is always darkest before the dawn.   The minute you want to give up is the moment you keep going. 

Advice to Give to a Woman Just Starting in the Workplace. 

Believe in yourself. You are capable of beautiful and amazing things. Your story is powerful. Be yourself and be authentic in all you do. Don't change for the world! 

About Being an Athena Finalist 

“I am humbled, honored, and in awe. I am a proud, born and raised, Buffalonian, who loves this city, and the people in it, and especially love seeing women rise to levels of leadership.  I'm excited to celebrate their successes.” 

On Buffalo Niagara 

The people in WNY are the strongest and most generous people that exist! There is nothing we can't accomplish when we come together.  

Favorite Spot in Buffalo.  

Anywhere on the water especially the new Outer Harbor Park off Furhmann Blvd. with the best sunsets around. 

Added Insights 

  • Guilty Pleasure: TikTok 
  • Superpower: Coming back to life after a near-death experience from a car accident at the age of 18 
  • My Friends Describe Me As: Inspiring and authentic 
  • If I Could Swap Lives with Someone for a Day, I’d choose: My son so I could better understand the struggles and concerns of his generation in order to be a better Mom and leader to the next generation. 

Attend the ATHENA Awards® Luncheon

The ATHENA Awards® Luncheon is the region’s most prestigious event recognizing the professional accomplishments of exceptional individuals who are dedicated to the advancement of women. Be there when the recipients are announced:

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.

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