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Navigating the Road Ahead: The BNP Transportation & Logistics Industry Leaders Forum

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March 21, 2023

Exploring the Need for Regional Transportation Network Improvements & Advancements in Global Logistics

Buffalo Niagara is located within 500 miles of 40 percent of the continental North American population. As each economic sector strives for innovation, the roadways and airways that connect customers to products/services are critically important. At the same time, significant investments are needed to ensure reliable shipping and travel in our region.

Keeping the Economy Moving

Now more than ever, the strength of our multi-modal transportation network will impact the international supply chain’s future success.  The March 16 Transportation & Logistics Industry Leaders Forum (ILF) gathered a cross-section of companies to discuss both the investments necessary to keep our economy moving and the importance of connecting local companies with global logistics trends.

Joined by Transportation & Logistics ILF Strategic Partner the University at Buffalo’s Center of Excellence in Materials, the meeting included timely conversations led by our guests:

  • Gary Hill  |  President  |  Union Concrete Corp.  |  Member of FAIR Committee
  • Michael Finn  |  Executive Director  |  Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council
  • Dr. Nallan Suresh  |  Distinguished Professor of Operations, Management & Strategy  |  University at Buffalo School of Management
  • Darren Kempner  |  Director, Government Relations & Development  |  Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
  • Rob Leteste  |  Business Intelligence & Workforce Manager  |  Invest Buffalo Niagara

The conversation ranged from advocacy for specific regional roadway projects and a fair share of New York State Department of Transportation funding, to the importance of greater logistical integration with Canada. The BNP looks forward to continuing these conversations with ILF members throughout the year.

The Realities of Workforce Attraction & Retention

According to Lightcast data provided by Invest Buffalo Niagara, upcoming retirements and the length of open job postings within our region’s transportation and logistics sector are higher than the national average. While overall unemployment rates continue to decrease, this sector still faces serious talent attraction and retention needs that will increase in the near future.

Kenya Hobbs, BNP’s new Director of Community Engagement and Equity Initiatives and Kristine Bieniek, Manager of Government Affairs and Workforce Development, provided ILF members Employ Buffalo Niagara tools designed to build talent pipelines for employers and career pathways for job seekers.

Employ Buffalo Niagara offers multiple workforce development programs. In different ways, these programs all work to create sustainable solutions for barriers to employment, upskilling low-wage earners and preparing job seekers to meet companies’ evolving expectations.



Learn more:

Benefits Cliff Calculator

Career Pathways

Talent Pipeline Management

Learn more about the new BNP Industry Leaders Forum here.



Thank you to our sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

Bank On Buffalo


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