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Who’s Who in Government Relations

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Notable New Yorkers advocating for policy changes at the city, state and federal levels.

This list encompasses key staffers directly employed by a wide range of companies, organizations and trade associations with government business, as well as rising stars making a name for themselves at top lobbying shops, leaders of smaller lobbying operations punching above their weight and even a few government relations officials who are inside government. What unites them all is a record of pushing, shaping or stopping proposed policies in New York.

Grant Loomis

Grant Loomis is currently the Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s vice president for government affairs and economic development, leading the regional chamber of commerce’s advocacy, economic development and workforce initiatives. Prior to joining the BNP, Loomis worked in various capacities for federal, state and local elected officials and began his career as a television news reporter. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and earned a master’s in business administration from the University at Buffalo.

Recent accomplishments: Leading the team that secured a $1 million grant in the inaugural round of awards from the state Office of Strategic Workforce Development. Advancing the vital energy needs of employers as New York adopts transformative climate policy. Expanding the BNP’s advocacy priorities to include issues focused on equity and creating economic mobility for the underemployed.

Read the article here.

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