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Sustainable Tech: The BNP Energy & Telecommunications Industry Leaders Forum

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April 17, 2024

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New government regulations, especially at the state level, are changing New York’s energy systems, impacting production, transmission, and cost.

The need for commercial and consumer energy and connectivity is increasing, reliability margins are decreasing, and new resources will not be able to meet the demand alone.

Both the energy and telecommunications sectors are at an inflection point, and the effective use of new technologies will impact the future of their systems.  

The Energy & Telecommunications Industry Leaders Forum convened on April 11th to discuss these challenges and ways for regional companies to work together to find effective solutions. We were joined by Kevin Lanahan, Vice President of External Affairs & Corporate Communications of New York State Independent System Operator (NYISO), for a presentation on the current state of the power grid and planning for a system in transition. NYISO is responsible for managing New York’s electric grid and its competitive wholesale electric marketplace and meeting the most stringent standards in the nation, under strict regulatory oversight.

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The ILF also discussed where New York stands with implementing the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) and its resulting Climate Action Plan. One of its most significant proposals is the New York Cap and Invest (NYCI) program, being developed by state regulators. NYCI would cap statewide emissions and require employers to bid for emissions allowances. A preliminary set of draft regulations has been published, available here. The conversation also covered the New York State Legislature’s proposed NY HEAT Act and Governor Hochul’s Affordable Gas Transition Act.

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Our Energy & Telecommunications ILF is a cross section of utilities, energy providers, and telecommunications companies. In 2024, the ILF will continue to be a place for leaders to come together to problem solve around common industry challenges and strategize around the local, national and international trends and external factors that impact everyone.

The BNP is proud to welcome in Bank of America as the Title Sponsor for the 2024 ILF. Matt Smyczynski, Bank of America’s Senior VP of Global Commercial Banking and Senior Relationship Manager, kicked off the April 11th ILF with a welcome.

Learn more about the Industry Leaders Forum  here.

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