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Staff Spotlight: Meet Lauren Campise

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Maura Cotter

July 1, 2024

We are pleased to welcome Lauren Campise, Manager of Talent Programs, as our latest Staff Spotlight.

In her role, Lauren heads BNP Talent initiatives, including our professional development Exchange Programs and BN360, the region's premier young professionals group. Get to know Lauren in this brief Q&A. 


Q: What is your background in/what type of work were you in before the BNP? 

A: After receiving a Masters in Health Administration, I managed medical offices for many years and then worked for a national healthcare nonprofit. I wanted to continue to work for nonprofits with a focus on helping my community in Buffalo which led me to applying for my position at BNP. I am so happy I did because I love my job and we have such a great team here.

Q: How did your past experience prepare you for your current role at BNP?  

A: My experience with project management, leading large teams, and managing larger scale programs at previous jobs allowed me to develop the skills I needed to oversee the programs at BNP that I manage. I am naturally future-oriented and organized which allows me to think ahead and foresee potential problems when planning events and programs.

Q: What inspired you to join the BNP team?

A: I really wanted an opportunity to work for an organization that helps the Buffalo community and BNP does in so many different ways. I love our city and I am so excited to help the local businesses that help make it great!

Q: Tell us a little-known fact about yourself.

A: Most people don’t know that I can make mosaics and stained glass art pieces. I hope to have a workshop someday to create projects more often.

Q: What do you like to do for fun?

A: I absolutely love to travel as often as I can. I love getting out and attending various events and concerts around Buffalo or exploring new restaurants and breweries as they pop up. I love kayaking during the summer and hiking in the winter. But I’m also equally a homebody and love staying in and reading.

Q: Best Buffalo Hidden Gem?

A: If you have a kayak you have to explore Beaver Island and Buckhorn state park. They are my favorite places close by to kayak in more of a nature setting.

Q: What is your favorite part about living in the Buffalo area?  

A: I love that Buffalo has so many different cute and fun neighborhoods to explore and there are always new restaurants and activities to try out. I know I am probably in the minority, but I love the snow too! I love being able to hike in the winter and see trails in a completely different light when they are covered in snow.

Q: What do you like best about a hybrid work schedule?  

A: At my previous job I was fully remote, and I’m so happy to be hybrid now. Having the balance of working at home and also being able to see your team in person is wonderful. Being in person made it much easier to get to know my coworkers when I started and having meetings in person is so much more enjoyable. But I still love having the ability to get some chores done around the house during my lunch break or during the time I would normally be commuting. It really is the perfect option for work-life balance.

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