Following the tragic events of May 14th, we are committed to bringing Buffalo Niagara closer together as we mourn those lost, pray for those injured, support the families and friends of those involved, and reflect on how our community’s racial diversity makes us stronger.
The BNP is not directly accepting monetary contributions. Instead, we are helping people connect directly with community efforts including how to easily contribute to the two major funds set up in response to this terrible tragedy. The BNP has compiled a fact sheet to help clarify the particulars and mechanics of the various efforts designed to assist the families of 5/14 victims and the broader community.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, whether as a business or an individual, please visit BuffaloTogetherFund.org, which offers two ways for you to financially support our community moving forward. Thank you for your offer to help at this critical time.
In partnership with Tops, the National Compassion Fund has established the Buffalo 5/14 Survivors Fund to provide direct financial assistance to the survivors of the deceased and those directly affected by this tragedy.
One hundred percent (100%) of the contributions donated to this fund will go directly to victims and survivors of this atrocity. Qualifying charitable donations to this fund are tax deductible.